Welcome to Naija Girl Canadian Adventure. My name is Abi and I launched this website to chronicle my journey to immigrating to Canada under the federal self-employed program.

I’ve lived abroad for over 13 years, starting with Dubai, UAE, which remains very close to my heart.

When I started considering applying under the federal self-employed stream, I dug high and low through every corner of the Internet and could not find proper information regarding this stream.

I realized there was definitely a need for a composite resource that would provide useful information for people thinking about applying under the Federal Self-Employed Stream from someone who has done it.

This led to the launch of Naija Girl Canadian Adventure. I moved to Canada in 2019 and the website has evolved over the years to a resource about moving to and settling in Canada for self-employed and newcomers, financial freedom through smart personal finance and so much more. I fund my adventures by making smart financial decisions and investing wisely.

My top personal finance tools include Questrade, investing change on MOKA, and no-fee banking with Tangerine and Neo Financial.

Get started with some great resources at Naija Girl Canadian Adventure Archives or head over to the Promotions and Freebies page for personal finance recommendations and more.

If you’re interested in how I obtained my self-employed Permanent Residence, you can read about that journey in My Federal Self-Employed Application Story.

The information on this website is my own personal experience and knowledge.

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter below so you’re notified whenever a new article is uploaded to the website.

If you want assistance with putting together a strong application with greater chances of success, have a look at my coaching and consulting page HERE.